Hi, I’m NewDecadeDad. I’m 31 (at the time of writing this) from Warrington, UK. I’m married with one Daughter. I’m a Warrington Wolves season ticket holder, and Manchester United fan.

I created a Twitter account at the beginning of 2020 to document my journey to becoming a Father. I didn’t think I was particularly ready to be a Dad, and I never really had the urge to have any children. I was worried about how I’d be as a Dad, particularly when I found out we were having a girl, I thought it’d be a lot easier if we were having a boy.

I tweeted about my worries and thoughts all the way through until our Daughter was born in August 2020. There were complications during birth which led to her suffering brain damage. Since then, everything has changed. Being a parent definitely isn’t how I imagined it would be, the brain damage has totally changed that. Our story isn’t a “normal” one, so learning on the job is more difficult than I ever thought it was going to be.

I mostly tweet about what’s happening in our lives in relation to our Daughter, how she’s progressing and any worries that I have.
I’m also aware of how scary and daunting it all seemed at the beginning, and would be more than happy to help anybody who may be going through the same thing. Please get in touch and I’ll try to answer anything I can, even though I’ll be the first to admit, I do not know everything by any stretch of imagination. However, I will certainly try to help if I can.

Thanks for reading. Be Happy.